I have always been mad about music. Listening to tapes on my Sony Walkman cassette player and getting my first half-size guitar at the age of four was where it all started I guess.
Celtfest - a Fresh New Name for the Island's Annual Summer Festival!
The annual Mananan International Festivals, established in 1975, are among the Isle of Man's most prestigious cultural events, and rank among the finest festivals in the British Isles.
History in Heels Unlocked at the House of Manannan.
Visit Ramsey for the Annual Shennaghys Jiu Festival.
Kirk Michael's Oie'll Verree Brings in the Crowds
Newly Commissioned composition to premiere at Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival.
Scottish Harpist, Rachel Hair, is heading across the Atlantic to teach the Americans about Manx music.
Peel Carnival defies unfavourable weather conditions for a fun day out!
Manx Musician heads for Hebridean Celtic Festival.